Human Dignity & Rights

The not-so-beautiful game

Ever since FIFA chose Qatar to host the 2022 World Cup, this Gulf Kingdom has been the subject of sustained critical scrutiny. What ought to be a celebration of talent, diversity and healthy competition is instead turning out to be a tournament overshadowed by stories of exploitation, murky transactions, and prejudice. In this case, the exercise in “sportswashing”, whereby corporate sponsors and host-nations seek to improve their reputation by leveraging the powerful emotions evoked by sporting events, does not seem to be going according to plan… Read more »

23 organisations appeal for urgent need for regulating the ‘free for all’ use of Cannabis

The recent developments surrounding the appointment of a new Executive chairperson of the Cannabis Authority confirms our strong reservations, that the Government has introduced legislation with a major impact on society in a hurried manner and without creating effective structures to implement the law.

One year after the law was approved, the perception that the use of cannabis in our society has become ‘free for all’ has dramatically increased while the structures contemplated by the law to regulate are conspicuous by their complete absence… Read more »


Not a day goes by without reading an article on migration or overhearing a remark about the impact of migrants on Maltese society. The Pope himself, when visiting Malta, made it a point to meet migrants at the Ħal Far Peace Lab to express his solidarity and closeness to people on the move.

But who exactly is a migrant? Has the number of people leaving their home country increased and do they find welcoming communities? … Read more »

Peace, integral ecology and synodality

The International workshop 2022 of Justice and Peace Europe took place in Assisi from the 7th until the 9th of October. Participants were welcomed by the Franciscan community and led into the opening prayer by a group of young people who are actively engaged in the Italian Justice and Peace Commission. Daniel Darmanin (President) and Mark Cachia (Executive Officer) attended this meeting on behalf of the Justice and Peace Commission of the Archdiocese of Malta… Read more »

To follow up on Pope Francis’ visit to Malta, the Archdiocese of Malta is launching a project titled: Rethink culture. is a space for respectful dialogue on complex issues shaping Maltese culture. Supported by the Vicariate for Evangelisation and hosted by Justice & Peace –Malta, discussions will take place with various people active in Maltese society about the kind of culture we are hoping to build together… Read more »

Catholic Social Teaching: a dialogue

Aħseb u Ara is a podcast hosted by the Malta Catholic Youth Network and the Justice and Peace Commission. This project is the result of a collaboration that began in 2021 and led to the Youth Engagement Study research, which was carried out in the same year.

The aim of these podcasts was to discuss themes from the Social Teaching of the Church… Read more »

Indifference that kills

The Justice and Peace Commission urges Malta’s authorities and politicians to prioritise the saving of lives and refrain from using language that fans the flames of indifference following the unnecessary death of a four-year-old girl who tragically lost her life in Malta’s Search and Rescue Area.

The young girl, Loujin, died because action by the competent authorities to save the lives of 60 people stranded at sea — who had left Lebanon 10 days earlier — came too late… Read more »

Statement by the Justice & Peace Commission

The Justice and Peace Commission welcomes the Archbishop’s offer to mediate between the Board of Governors of St Albert the Great and Mr Mario Mallia, who was this week dismissed from his post of Head of School.

The Commission sincerely hopes that, in the interest of the St Albert educational community but also in the interests of the whole educational field in Malta and of the wider local Church, this impasse may be solved in the very near future… Read more »

The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers

In 1891, Pope Leo XIII issued Rerum Novarum (On Capital and Labour). He shone a light on the injustice and exploitation of workers by the rich during the Industrial Revolution. He advocated for workers to join forces and fight against inhuman conditions. Since then, Church teaching has upheld the dignity of work and participation. Read more »

Losing their lives whilst trying to make a living

On this year’s Workers’ Day, the Justice and Peace Commission would like to draw attention once again to the tragic fate of those construction workers who, in a pattern which sadly continues to repeat itself all too often, are losing their lives whilst trying to make a living. Serious workplace injuries and fatalities occur also in other economic sectors such as manufacturing. However, the highest number of workplace fatalities happen on construction sites. 

Whilst acknowledging that construction is an inherently hazardous job, as testified also by the 369 non-fatal workplace accidents reported in this sector in 2021, as a country we cannot afford to reach a point where these tragedies are normalised by being presented as faceless statistical numbers… Read more »