Press Releases

Working migrants share insights of navigating life in Malta with the Archbishop

The prohibitive increase in housing costs and the conflicting emotions of joy and anxiety that came with living in Malta were the issues working migrants raised with Archbishop Charles Scicluna on 30th April 2024, eve of the feast of St Joseph the Worker.

Several migrants from Sub-Saharan and West Africa, as well as South and Southeast Asia who gathered at the Archbishop’s Curia in Floriana, thanked the Archbishop for welcoming them as a father, while acknowledging the Church’s role as a defender of workers’ dignity… Read more »

Justice and Peace Commission urges dignity for workers amid AI advancements

On this year’s Workers’ Day, the Justice and Peace Commission emphasises the critical need to address the implications of generative AI technologies on the workplace and workers’ livelihoods. With forecasts indicating that AI adoption may affect up to 60% of jobs in advanced economies such as Malta’s[1], the Commission highlights the urgency for society and policymakers to come up with proactive measures to ensure that technological progress benefits all, safeguarding against disproportionate advantages for a select few while potentially disadvantaging many… Read more »

Stability, not uncertainty

We, as long-term migrants living and working in Malta, are uniting to demand stability, not uncertainty, in our lives. In light of recent events and ongoing struggles faced by the migrant community, we are asserting our rights and calling for urgent action from authorities. We arrived in Malta years ago, leaving behind critical situations in our countries of origin, and now call Malta home. Although we were neither given protection nor a residence card, we were given the right to work legitimately and in turn to pay tax and national insurance for decades… Read more »

Baħar Ċimiterju 2024

Today, 25 local organisations are calling on the Maltese authorities to prevent further human rights violations and deaths in the Mediterranean Sea.

The Mediterranean Sea remains one of the deadliest border spaces in the world. Tens of thousands of people have died or gone missing attempting to cross the Med. At least 3,041 (1)  people died in the Sea in 2023, making it one of the deadliest years on record… Read more »

The ‘Ejja Ejja’ Culture

The Justice and Peace Commission is proposing eight recommendations to authorities and stakeholders in Malta’s construction industry, aiming to enhance safety and fairness for all workers. The Commission urges prompt action to be taken on these recommendations for the well-being of both the workers and society. These recommendations are a result of scientific research conducted by the Commission on health and safety in the Maltese construction sector… Read more »

Commemorating the Universal Declaration of Human Rights amidst escalating violence

The commemoration of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on the 10th December this year is taking place in the shadow of an ever-widening spiral of violence, risking humanity’s condemnation to a future of unimaginable pain, fear, and destruction. In response, the Justice and Peace Commission unreservedly condemns the horrific acts of violence that are once again ravaging the Holy Land and its people and calls for a radical shift from a global paradigm of violent war and revenge to a paradigm of just peace and reconciliation… Read more »

It is high time to drop the charges

We demand that the Attorney General, Dr Victoria Buttiġieġ, immediately dismiss the unjust charges against Abdalla, Amara, and Kader, known as the El Hiblu 3.

Abdalla, Amara and Kader arrived in Malta more than four years ago. Acting as mediators and translators on the El Hiblu 1, they helped to prevent the unlawful pushback of over 100 people to Libya and to diffuse a tense situation at sea… Read more »

Our country’s economic “success” should never be obtained at the expense of workers

On this year’s workers’ day, the Justice and Peace Commission wishes to express its concern regarding the injustice suffered by non-EU persons working in Malta who, despite paying National Insurance contributions, do not recieve a pension.  Our current pension system relies on the assumption that non-EU workers will stay here for a few years, pay social insurance contributions and leave before receiving a pension. The Commission believes that the kind of society implied by this model is socially unjust and morally unacceptable… Read more »

4th Anniversary of the Racially Motivated Murder of Lassana Cisse in Malta

On April 6th, 2019, Lassana Cisse, a 42-year-old man from the Ivory Coast, was shot and killed in Birżebbuġa, Malta, in a racially motivated attack, where two other victims Ibrahim Bah and Mohammed Jallow were also left for dead. The two suspects were identified as off-duty Armed Forces of Malta (AFM) soldiers, who allegedly targeted the victims because of their skin colour. Just a few months before, the same two perpetrators deliberately ran over May Malimi, a young man from Chad, whilst he was also walking in Birżebbuġa… Read more »

The El Hiblu 3: Four years on

On 28 March 2019, Abdalla, Amara, and Kader, known as the El Hiblu 3, first set foot in Malta. They could have never imagined that, four years on, they would still be stuck in legal limbo. The nine preliminary charges against them, including hijacking a vessel, threatening its crew, and engaging in terrorist activities, still hang over them, preventing them from living dignified lives in freedom… Read more »