Press Releases

Baħar Ċimiterju

The government’s continued abdication of search and rescue responsibilities is contributing to deaths in the Mediterranean

More than 1,300 people died or disappeared in the Central Mediterranean in 2022. These people – men, women, children, sons, and daughters – can be added to the deplorable death toll of more than 25,000 people who have died while crossing the Mediterranean since 2014… Read more »

23 organisations appeal for urgent need for regulating the ‘free for all’ use of Cannabis

The recent developments surrounding the appointment of a new Executive chairperson of the Cannabis Authority confirms our strong reservations, that the Government has introduced legislation with a major impact on society in a hurried manner and without creating effective structures to implement the law.

One year after the law was approved, the perception that the use of cannabis in our society has become ‘free for all’ has dramatically increased while the structures contemplated by the law to regulate are conspicuous by their complete absence… Read more »

Budget 2023: A Crucial Moment of Choice

The Justice and Peace Commission appreciates that the 2023 Budget is a Budget heavily conditioned by multiple crises.

While welcoming the numerous social measures announced, the Commission wishes to go beyond a simplistic commentary of individual budgetary measures, by inviting the Government to take on board four guiding principles that the Commission believes should serve as a guiding light in our choice of a socio-economic model which results in a more just, sustainable and reconciled society. 

Preferential option for the poor

Facing exceptional inflationary pressures, the Commission commends the Government for focusing its limited resources on those who have been worse hit by the cost-of-living crisis… Read more »

Indifference that kills

The Justice and Peace Commission urges Malta’s authorities and politicians to prioritise the saving of lives and refrain from using language that fans the flames of indifference following the unnecessary death of a four-year-old girl who tragically lost her life in Malta’s Search and Rescue Area.

The young girl, Loujin, died because action by the competent authorities to save the lives of 60 people stranded at sea — who had left Lebanon 10 days earlier — came too late… Read more »

Season of Creation: “Listen to the voice of creation”

“Listen to the voice of creation”. This is Pope Francis’ invitation in the message he issued on the occasion of this year’s Season of Creation (1st September to 4th October 2022). The Pope encourages us to listen carefully to the voice of creation: the voice of the planet and the voice of the people who live in it, voices that have long been silenced and put aside due to “predatory economic interests” that translate into destruction of the environment and misery for many people, especially the poor who are always the ones who suffer the most from the consequences of environmental destruction… Read more »

Losing their lives whilst trying to make a living

On this year’s Workers’ Day, the Justice and Peace Commission would like to draw attention once again to the tragic fate of those construction workers who, in a pattern which sadly continues to repeat itself all too often, are losing their lives whilst trying to make a living. Serious workplace injuries and fatalities occur also in other economic sectors such as manufacturing. However, the highest number of workplace fatalities happen on construction sites. 

Whilst acknowledging that construction is an inherently hazardous job, as testified also by the 369 non-fatal workplace accidents reported in this sector in 2021, as a country we cannot afford to reach a point where these tragedies are normalised by being presented as faceless statistical numbers… Read more »

3rd anniversary of Lassana Cisse’s brutal murder

Wednesday, 6 April, 2022 is the 3rd anniversary of Lassana Cisse’s brutal murder. Such acts of violence have to be remembered, not forgotten or silenced. Several organisations are standing in front of the Law Courts today in solidarity with our sisters and brothers who continue to face violence just because they are black. The Maltese community is standing together with the black community against any form of racism and acts of violence… Read more »

Baħar ċimiterju

The Mediterranean remains one of the deadliest migratory routes, with thousands perishing every year. Time and time again, we witness the Maltese authorities absconding on their duties to rescue desperate people seeking asylum in our search and rescue zone.

Together with people across the world, we strongly denounce the deadly violence of the world’s border regimes, and call on the responsible authorities, to respect human rights, international law, law and the 1951 Geneva Refugee Convention, and to act humanely to prevent deaths and disappearances from happening… Read more »

22 entities call for immediate action due to the increase in prices of basic food products

22 entità tal‑Knisja, li jaħdmu mill‑qrib mal‑persuni l‑aktar fil‑bżonn u vulnerabbli fis‑soċjetà, huma mħassba biż‑żieda fil‑prezzijiet ta’ bżonnijiet bażiċi speċjalment dawk tal‑ikel. Huma qed jappellaw lill‑mexxejja u l-istituzzjonijiet tal‑pajjiż sabiex ikomplu jagħtu prijorità lil dawn il‑persuni fil‑bżonn u jieħdu azzjoni biex iż‑żieda fil‑prezzijiet ma tagħmilx is‑sitwazzjoni tal‑faqar tagħhom f’Malta agħar milli hi. Dan hekk kif jirriżulta li ħafna mill‑prodotti bażiċi bħalma huma l‑għaġin, iz‑zalza u ż‑żejt għolew b’minn talanqas 20%… Read more »

Towards unity in society

The Justice and Peace Commission of the Archdiocese of Malta, launched a discussion document to encourage Maltese citizens to reflect on how, as a country, we can work to build peace, promote the common good in society and improve the well-being of people, especially that of the most vulnerable.

This document entitled ‘Yahad’ — a Hebrew term which refers to the concepts of togetherness and community — is divided into three sections… Read more »