Human Dignity & Rights

Pope Francis in Malta

Pope Francis visited the Maltese islands from the 2nd till the 3rd April for a brief and intense visit.

Migration, the joy of the gospel and the need to rediscover our humanity in the way we welcome each other were at the centre of the Pope’s Apostolic Journey. The theme for the visit was “They showed us unusual kindness” (Acts 28,2). At his first event, in Valletta, he addressed the President of Malta and other civil authorities and highlighted the values of honesty, justice, a sense of duty and transparency as “essential pillars of a mature civil society”… Read more »

Dialogue sessions in preparation for Pope Francis’ visit

Ilkoll Aħwa (One Family) is the theme chosen for events being organised by the Church in Malta as the country prepares spiritually to welcome Pope Francis on the 2nd and 3rd April. Over the next few weeks, the theme of the Apostolic Visit, “They showed us unusual kindness” (Acts 28:2), shall be complemented by a deep reflection to encourage Maltese society to reflect on how all of us who live on these islands are called to care and protect one another as blood relatives do… Read more »

Lent Resource Pack – ‘Yahad’

In Yahad, the Justice and Peace Commission reflects on the wounds of our society, before proposing a number of tools from Catholic Social Teaching which can help us build a more just and reconciled society.

In order to bring this reflection to different groups of people, a number of resources based on ‘Yahad’ are being prepared. In Lent, the Commission is publishing a Resource Pack with the aim of helping us reflect on the Scripture Readings which are proposed by the Church during this liturgical season, linked to the ‘Yahad’ reflection in our current social context… Read more »

‘Yahad’ presented to the Leader of the Opposition

During a courtesy call, the President of the Justice and Peace Commission, perit Daniel Darmanin, presented the booklet Yahad to the Leader of the Opposition and Nationalist Party leader Bernard Grech.

During this meeting which took place on Wednesday 16th February at the headquarters of the Nationalist Party in Pietà, Mr Darmanin explained that the journey of Yahad begins by listening to the voices of the victims of injustice… Read more »

Baħar ċimiterju

The Mediterranean remains one of the deadliest migratory routes, with thousands perishing every year. Time and time again, we witness the Maltese authorities absconding on their duties to rescue desperate people seeking asylum in our search and rescue zone.

Together with people across the world, we strongly denounce the deadly violence of the world’s border regimes, and call on the responsible authorities, to respect human rights, international law, law and the 1951 Geneva Refugee Convention, and to act humanely to prevent deaths and disappearances from happening… Read more »

Hundreds take part in ‘Learning Human Stories’ outreach sessions

Hundreds of people, from all walks of life, have had the opportunity to encounter asylum seekers who found themselves seeking protection in Malta, thanks to the latest outreach programme Learning Human Stories.

These sessions, organized by JRS Malta in collaboration with SOS Malta and Justice and Peace Commission, provided the general public a chance to speak, listen and ask questions on migration, and more importantly, get an answer directly from the asylum seekers themselves… Read more »

‘Yahad’ presented to President George Vella

The Justice and Peace Commission, within the Archdiocese of Malta, presented the document ‘Yahad’ to George Vella, President of Malta.

During a courtesy call which took place on Tuesday 1st February at San Anton Palace, Daniel Darmanin, president of the Commission, explained that the Church wishes to offer its contribution to the process of national unity and reconciliation that the President himself is promoting in various ways… Read more »

22 entities call for immediate action due to the increase in prices of basic food products

22 entità tal‑Knisja, li jaħdmu mill‑qrib mal‑persuni l‑aktar fil‑bżonn u vulnerabbli fis‑soċjetà, huma mħassba biż‑żieda fil‑prezzijiet ta’ bżonnijiet bażiċi speċjalment dawk tal‑ikel. Huma qed jappellaw lill‑mexxejja u l-istituzzjonijiet tal‑pajjiż sabiex ikomplu jagħtu prijorità lil dawn il‑persuni fil‑bżonn u jieħdu azzjoni biex iż‑żieda fil‑prezzijiet ma tagħmilx is‑sitwazzjoni tal‑faqar tagħhom f’Malta agħar milli hi. Dan hekk kif jirriżulta li ħafna mill‑prodotti bażiċi bħalma huma l‑għaġin, iz‑zalza u ż‑żejt għolew b’minn talanqas 20%… Read more »

‘Yahad’ presented to the Speaker of the House of Representatives

Daniel Darmanin (President of the Justice and Peace Commission), accompanied by Mark Cachia (Executive Official), presented the booklet ‘Yahad’ to Anġlu Farrugia, Speaker of the House of Representatives. During this courtesy call which took place on Friday 28th January at the Speaker’s parliamentary office in Valletta, the main points of this project were presented. The most urgent challenges in the political and social fields were also discussed… Read more »

Towards unity in society

The Justice and Peace Commission of the Archdiocese of Malta, launched a discussion document to encourage Maltese citizens to reflect on how, as a country, we can work to build peace, promote the common good in society and improve the well-being of people, especially that of the most vulnerable.

This document entitled ‘Yahad’ — a Hebrew term which refers to the concepts of togetherness and community — is divided into three sections… Read more »