
Not a day goes by without reading an article on migration or overhearing a remark about the impact of migrants on Maltese society. The Pope himself, when visiting Malta, made it a point to meet migrants at the Ħal Far Peace Lab to express his solidarity and closeness to people on the move.

But who exactly is a migrant? Has the number of people leaving their home country increased and do they find welcoming communities? Listen to our discussion with Dr Daniela Debono, lecturer in anthropology of migration at the University of Malta as we discuss displacement, the need to belong, and the reality of living during a tense age of both globalization and borders.

Supporting articles:

Rethink.mt is a space for respectful dialogue on complex issues shaping Maltese culture. Supported by the Vicariate for Evangelisation and hosted by Justice & Peace –Malta, discussions will take place with various people active in Maltese society about the kind of culture we are hoping to build together.