Good Politics is at the Service of Peace

The letter: A message for our earth

Il-Kummissjonijiet Interdjoċesana Ambjent u Ġustizzja u Paċi, f’kollaborazzjoni mal-Patrijiet Franġiskani, qed jorganizzaw attività biex ifakkru l-Istaġun tal-Ħolqien 2023. Biha huma ser ikunu qed jingħaqdu ma’ numru ta’ knejjes insara fid-dinja kollha li bejn l-1 ta’ Settembru u l-4 t’Ottubru ta’ kull sena jfittxu li jqajjmu kuxjenza favur l-għożża tal-Ħolqien.

F’Malta, din is-sena l-attività ser tkun iffukata fuq id-dokumentarju “The Letter: A Message for our Earth”… Read more »

We cannot give up

Fid-dawl tal-vot li ttieħed il-bieraħ fil-parlament dwar il-bżonn ta’ inkjesta pubblika li titfa’ dawl fuq il-mewta traġika ta’ Jean Paul Sofia, il-Kummissjoni Ġustizzja u Paċi tappella lill-awtoritajiet biex jisimgħu il-karba ta’ omm u tal-poplu għall-ġustizzja. Huwa ta’ diżappunt kbir li kwistjoni daqshekk sensittiva, għal darb’oħra, qed tispiċċa ballun politiku.

Quddiem din ir-reżistenza għall-inkjesta pubblika li diffiċli tifhimha, tispjegaha u tiġġustifikaha, niftakru f’dawk l-għexieren ta’ ħaddiema li fl-aħħar snin tilfu ħajjithom fuq is-siti ta’ kostruzzjoni… Read more »

A space of dialogue

Based on Pope Francis’ visit to Malta in 2022 and supported by the Vicariate for Evangelisation and Justice & Peace – Malta, began as a podcast with various people active in Maltese society, to discuss the kind of society we are hoping to build together.

To wrap up the first season of the project, a public dialogue was held on the 1st of June at Suq tal-Belt… Read more »

Rethink Culture’s Conversations

Rethink Culture’s Conversations is a space for respectful dialogue on complex issues shaping Maltese culture.

Based on Pope Francis’ visit to Malta in 2022 and supported by the Vicariate for Evangelisation and Justice & Peace – Malta, began as a podcast with various people active in Maltese society, to discuss the kind of society we are hoping to build together.

We are now inviting the public to join in the conversations and discuss topics including migration, sustainable development, cultural heritage, governance, economic systems, and the church in Malta… Read more »

In pursuit of peace

Today marks the 60th anniversary from the publication of Pacem in Terris, an important encyclical written by Pope John XXIII in 1963 at a time when the world was undergoing significant changes and facing numerous challenges.

The cold war was at its peak and the world was divided into two ideological camps, with the threat of nuclear war constantly looming. At the same time, many countries struggled to overcome poverty, inequality and social injustice… Read more »

Good governance

If “honesty, justice, a sense of duty and transparency are the essential pillars of a mature civil society” (Pope Francis in Malta, Meeting with the Authorities, Civil Society and the Diplomatic Corps), how is Malta doing on this score? Whilst everyone seems to agree that Malta needs to embrace these principles of good governance, the level of distrust and cynicism shown by people towards anything political seems to be increasing at an alarming level… Read more »

The ring, the sandals & the robe

In the parable of the prodigal son (Lk 15, 11-32), when the younger son returns home, the Father gives him some welcome-home gifts: a Ring, a pair of Sandals, and the best Robe. In this guide, the relevance of these three objects for our Christian lives is explored through a series of:

  • Icebreakers
  • Biblical reflections
  • Activities
  • Movie clips
  • Prayer moments
  • Follow-up actions

By becoming more aware of the gifts they have received, young participants (12-16 years) will also be invited to make a positive difference in the lives of others by committing themselves to faith-based participation in society… Read more »

Baħar Ċimiterju

The government’s continued abdication of search and rescue responsibilities is contributing to deaths in the Mediterranean

More than 1,300 people died or disappeared in the Central Mediterranean in 2022. These people – men, women, children, sons, and daughters – can be added to the deplorable death toll of more than 25,000 people who have died while crossing the Mediterranean since 2014… Read more »

Pope Benedict’s contribution to the Social Doctrine of the Church

A lot is being written these days about the figure of Benedict XVI, a pope of great intelligence, formation and humility, who will certainly go down in history books as a great theologian. In this brief article, I wish to summarize, what, in my opinion, were Benedict’s greatest contributions to the Social Doctrine of the Church.

When going through the writings of the different Popes, we will often notice quotes from their predecessors and or even from their previous writings… Read more »