Good Politics is at the Service of Peace

To follow up on Pope Francis’ visit to Malta, the Archdiocese of Malta is launching a project titled: Rethink culture. is a space for respectful dialogue on complex issues shaping Maltese culture. Supported by the Vicariate for Evangelisation and hosted by Justice & Peace –Malta, discussions will take place with various people active in Maltese society about the kind of culture we are hoping to build together… Read more »

Catholic Social Teaching: a dialogue

Aħseb u Ara is a podcast hosted by the Malta Catholic Youth Network and the Justice and Peace Commission. This project is the result of a collaboration that began in 2021 and led to the Youth Engagement Study research, which was carried out in the same year.

The aim of these podcasts was to discuss themes from the Social Teaching of the Church… Read more »

Uneven access to the levers of power

“The Maltese economy is managed by no more than ten people.” These were the words of former Prime Minister Joseph Muscat when he testified in the public inquiry into the circumstances of Daphne Caruana Galizia’s assassination. Many were those who brushed off this statement as a well-known fact which should not surprise anyone. However, this concentration of power in the hands of a few people raises some very serious issues regarding the type of influence they exercise over those who are called to govern for the benefit of the whole nation and the type of impact they have over the formulation of policies which should serve the common good and not that of the select few… Read more »

Do we, as Catholics, watch from the balcony?

Some years ago, during a meeting with Christian Life Communities members, Pope Francis had wondered if, as Catholics, we have a tendency to look at politics from the balcony. However, according to the Pope, our place is not to watch from a balcony but to get involved and give it our best.

Inspired by these words and by Yahad, which was recently issued by the Justice and Peace Commission, during the last few months a number of workshops were organized for St Aloysius College educators… Read more »

Win or lose

As the dust settles from last Saturday’s General Election, Malta seems to be stuck in a familiar scenario: Half the island is celebrating joyfully, and the other half is in mourning. Some people are calling relatives and neighbours to gloat. Others call to commiserate. Many are sighing in relief, whilst others are moaning and grinding their teeth in pain, anger and despair. In other words, not unsurprisingly, extreme partisanship seems to be as alive and kicking in post-election Malta as it was a week ago in pre-election Malta… Read more »

Right and duty: the importance of voting

As we prepare to elect a new government on the 26th of March, it would be hard to find a more challenging message about Politics than the one offered by Pope Francis who invites good Catholics to meddle in politics: “You can’t watch from the balcony! Get involved!”. “Politics, according to the Social Doctrine of the Church, is one of the highest forms of charity, because it serves the common good… Read more »

Dialogue sessions in preparation for Pope Francis’ visit

Ilkoll Aħwa (One Family) is the theme chosen for events being organised by the Church in Malta as the country prepares spiritually to welcome Pope Francis on the 2nd and 3rd April. Over the next few weeks, the theme of the Apostolic Visit, “They showed us unusual kindness” (Acts 28:2), shall be complemented by a deep reflection to encourage Maltese society to reflect on how all of us who live on these islands are called to care and protect one another as blood relatives do… Read more »

Lent Resource Pack – ‘Yahad’

In Yahad, the Justice and Peace Commission reflects on the wounds of our society, before proposing a number of tools from Catholic Social Teaching which can help us build a more just and reconciled society.

In order to bring this reflection to different groups of people, a number of resources based on ‘Yahad’ are being prepared. In Lent, the Commission is publishing a Resource Pack with the aim of helping us reflect on the Scripture Readings which are proposed by the Church during this liturgical season, linked to the ‘Yahad’ reflection in our current social context… Read more »

‘Yahad’ presented to the Leader of the Opposition

During a courtesy call, the President of the Justice and Peace Commission, perit Daniel Darmanin, presented the booklet Yahad to the Leader of the Opposition and Nationalist Party leader Bernard Grech.

During this meeting which took place on Wednesday 16th February at the headquarters of the Nationalist Party in Pietà, Mr Darmanin explained that the journey of Yahad begins by listening to the voices of the victims of injustice… Read more »

Messy but urgent work

Malta’s recent history has, in more ways than one, been a success story. And yet, the price which has been paid for this success is indeed high. Apart from those who have paid with their lives, divisions and lack of peace abound on this little island nation of ours. As we prepare to elect a new government in the next few months, we can expect partisan pique and polarisation, ever-present in our society, to reach fever pitch, despite the several calls along the years for a process of national reconciliation and unity  

Last month, the Justice & Peace Commission within the Archdiocese of Malta launched a document called Yahad, a term in Hebrew which conveys the sense of togetherness and community and which represents the Commission’s vision for Maltese society… Read more »