A Christian Vision for the European Parliament
When we speak about a Christian vision for European politics, for many, the first thought which springs to mind is the Church’s objection to abortion. Undoubtedly, the murder of the innocent is a very important consideration, but, a political vision built on just one aspect, is a myopic vision.
The Christian is called to participate actively in the various aspects of political life. The Second Vatican Council, through the document Gaudium et Spes, reminds us in the words of Saint Augustine, which describe the Catholic as a citizen of two cities, that is a heavenly city and the earthly one. This document encourages the Catholic “to fulfil justly their duty here on earth, guided by the spirit of the Gospel”, and it emphasises that “those Christians whom do not fulfil their responsibilities within our society, they would be lacking from their duties towards their neighbours, and moreover towards God Himself…”[1] It’s the same faith that obliges every Christian to participate in political life, everyone depending on his call… Read more »