Position Papers

Freedom of movement and its limits: a challenge for democracies

Twenty years ago, the French intellectual Marcel GAUCHET warned us that democracy, having conquered its external enemies, was now facing its most formidable challenge: its own survival. Indeed, the migratory flows in the wake of what has been called the Arab Spring, particularly at the borders of Europe in recent weeks, the tensions of Brexit and two years of the pandemic, show that the exercise of certain fundamental rights can undermine others… Read more »

22 entities present position paper on the recreational use of cannabis to members of parliament

Twenty‑two entities presented a position paper on the recreational cannabis bill to members of parliament, expressing serious concern about the short and long term effects on society of the proposed legislation and calling for a serious, mature and researched debate on the subject. The proposed bill will be presented today for debate in Parliament.

All entities, many of which work with children and young people, strongly believe that as currently presented, the bill will have a negative effect in normalising drug use while failing to protect both society and drug users… Read more »

Budget 2022: Beyond Numbers

The Justice and Peace Commission welcomes the 2022 Budget, recognising the challenging times our country and the world have faced and will continue to face in the near future. The Commission is here offering its view in the light of the “Beyond GDP” initiative, launched in 2020, which promotes the need for our country to reorient our economic model towards a more holistic and sustainable vision… Read more »

The Future of Europe

A call for dialogue as a key to just transitions

“Life, for all its confrontations, is the art of encounter”

Fratelli Tutti, 215

1) Context: Over the coming years, European Union citizens are called to contribute to the Conference on the Future of Europe. This initiative, a joint project of the European

Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union (EU), 

will open a wide-ranging debate on the coming decade for the EU and beyond… Read more »

The Common Good of the Seas

On World Ocean’s Day, today 8th June 2020, the Justice & Peace Commission (JP) began working on raising awareness on the Maltese seas and shores, inspired from the European action plan launched by Justice and Peace Europe about the Common Good of the Seas.

The Commission, which contributed in drafting the document of the action plan, has examined its propositions and particularly looked at those issues that are most relevant for Malta… Read more »

The Reform on Human Trafficking and Prostitution

The Archdiocese of Malta, through the Justice & Peace Commission of and Caritas Malta, have participated in the presentation of a joint submission to the Maltese Government, on the proposed reform for the legalisation of prostitution and human trafficking.

The joint submission, endorsed by several organisations, speaks of three main goals that are complementary and cannot be enacted separately, essential for the human dignity of the victims to be safeguarded. 

  • To decriminalise those who are prostituted ‑ Conscious of the fact that most sex workers are caught up in prostitution against their will and are the main victims of a broken system which enslaves them.  They should not be criminalised or victimised further for the abuse they endure…
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Budget 2020: Thinking of the long-term common good

In the light of the recently published Pre-Budget Document 2020, ‘Sustaining Inclusive Growth’, the Church’s Justice and Peace Commission welcomes the Government’s invitation for feedback and has formulated a number of observations and recommendations, which it is hereby presenting for further consideration. The recommendations have been categorised in three groupings tied to the United Nations’ 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and also through direct stakeholder consultations with Church organisations working with various societal groups… Read more »

A Christian Vision for the European Parliament

When we speak about a Christian vision for European politics, for many, the first thought which springs to mind is  the Church’s objection to abortion.  Undoubtedly, the murder of the innocent is a very important consideration, but, a political vision built on just one aspect, is a myopic vision.

The Christian is called to participate actively in the various aspects of  political life.  The Second Vatican Council, through the document Gaudium et Spes, reminds us in the words of Saint Augustine, which describe the Catholic as a citizen of two cities, that is a heavenly city and the earthly one.  This document encourages the Catholic “to fulfil justly their duty here on earth, guided by the spirit of the Gospel”, and it emphasises that “those Christians whom do not fulfil their responsibilities within our society, they would be lacking from their duties towards their neighbours, and moreover towards God Himself…”[1] It’s the same faith that obliges every Christian to participate in political life, everyone depending on his call… Read more »

Renewing the way we look at progress

The Justice and Peace Commission believes that the financial prosperity currently experienced should translate into a better quality of life for all. In its document with proposals prior to the upcoming 2019 Budget, the Commission presented recommendations in relation to five major focus areas: transport, environment, health, affordable housing and migration.

Transport:More long-term solutions rather than quick fixes are needed. These could include improvement of our infrastructure to allow public transport, carpooling, walking and cycling, to truly become valid alternatives to private vehicles… Read more »

The need for responsible dialogue

In view of the current discussions on the amendments to the Embryo Protection Act, the Justice and Peace Commission of the Archdiocese of Malta calls for an attitude of responsible dialogue that veers away from polarised positions but which is focused on the common good of all, without demonising those holding opposing views. 

It is not the intent of the Justice and Peace Commission to repeat what the Church has already clearly expressed regarding the proposals… Read more »