Author: Mark Cachia

Hopelessness is contagious. But so is hope.

When asked which part of the world they would rather live in, only around 27% of youths interviewed in a recent survey chose Malta.

In the upcoming General Election, 16-year-olds will for the first time have the right to vote. And yet, this same cohort is telling us that they would rather vote with their feet – by leaving the country – than at the polling booth… Read more »

Youth involvement greater at the community level than in politics

A survey showed that youth have a greater probability of involving themselves at the community level than in politics. Their interest in politics decreases as they grow older. The survey also showed that female youth look at community engagement in a more positive light and participate more than male youth in community initiatives and activities.

This research study, conducted among 498 youth aged between 16 and 25 years, is the first phase of a project being implemented by Discern – the institute for research on the signs of the times, the Malta Catholic Youth Network (MCYN) and the Justice and Peace Commission, to understand better the attitudes of young people in society… Read more »

“An out-of-control locomotive hurtling towards the abyss”

Pope Francis, in a keynote address to a group of social justice activists, harshly criticized the current economic system which, “with its relentless logic of profit, is escaping all human control. It is time to slow the locomotive down, an out-of-control locomotive hurtling towards the abyss.”

Addressing the IV World Meeting of Popular Movements, the Pope told participants that their dedication “is above all a proclamation of hope” reminding us that “we are not condemned to repeat or to build a future based on exclusion and inequality, rejection or indifference”… Read more »

Budget 2022: Beyond Numbers

The Justice and Peace Commission welcomes the 2022 Budget, recognising the challenging times our country and the world have faced and will continue to face in the near future. The Commission is here offering its view in the light of the “Beyond GDP” initiative, launched in 2020, which promotes the need for our country to reorient our economic model towards a more holistic and sustainable vision… Read more »

A call for a courageous European commitment at the forthcoming UN climate and biodiversity summits

On 9 August 2021 Working Group I of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published a report, in which humanity is held responsible for climate change and the increase of extreme weather events. The life of people and all living beings and their ecosystems will be seriously affected if the rise in the planet’s average annual temperature is not urgently reduced. The forthcoming Glasgow and Kunming summits should be a turning point in keeping the planet habitable for all people living on it and for future generations… Read more »

16 entities urge politicians to truly consider the common good

16-il entità impenjati fil-ħidma soċjali qed jesprimu t-tħassib tagħhom dwar il-proposti għall-abozz ta’ liġi dwar l-użu hekk imsejjaħ responsabbli tal-kannabis. L-entitajiet jinsabu fi qbil mal-pożizzjoni ta’ Caritas Malta u Fondazzjoni OASI li nhar il-Ħamis, 7 ta’ Ottubru 2021, reġgħu tennew li l-liġi proposta se tkun aktar ta’ ħsara milli ta’ ġid għas-soċjetà Maltija.

Dawn l-entitajiet, li wħud minnhom jaħdmu direttament mat-tfal u ż-żgħażagħ vulnerabbli, jinsabu mħassba speċjalment dwar il-messaġġ li jkun qed jgħaddi lit-tfal u ż-żgħażagħ dwar l-użu u l-kultura tal-kannabis… Read more »

Ongoing uncertainty at the prison

We the undersigned entities unequivocally condemn the ongoing uncertainty at the prison, aka Correctional Services Agency.

As more inmates and their families come forward to speak out, we commend them for their courage and openness.

As entities committed to social wellbeing, we recognise our responsibility to be advocates for justice and human dignity.

The number of deaths registered at this facility in these last years has tragically climbed to 13 individuals, including the recent deaths by suicide of a 30-year-old man and a 29-year-old woman… Read more »

The ecological transition has started. It must be fair and just.

21 European Justice & Peace Commissions came together for their Annual International Workshop and General Assembly which was held in Belgium from the 1st till the 4th of October. The theme chosen for this year’s meetings was “Integral Ecology: overcoming the social and environmental crises.” Daniel Darmanin, president of the Justice and Peace Commission (Malta) attended the four-day meeting.

In their final declaration, the delegates highlighted the need for structural change as a cornerstone of climate change policy… Read more »

A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho

Leaving him half dead: In the parable of the Good Samaritan, the robbers who beat up the man and left him half dead, remain unknown, unnamed. The person who allegedly dumped Lamin on the side of the road on Selmun road in Mellieħa like a bag of disposable waste has already been identified and will face justice.


The wheel of injustice: Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the German Theologian who courageously stood up against Nazi oppression once said that “we are not to simply bandage the wounds of victims beneath the wheels of injustice, we are to drive a spoke into the wheel itself”… Read more »

Integral Ecology – overcoming the social and environmental crisis

Next weekend delegates from more than twenty national Justice and Peace Commissions in Europe will take part either in person or online in the annual International Workshop and General Assembly of the Catholic network, Justice and Peace Europe. Daniel Darmanin, President of the Justice and Peace Commission (Malta) will be attending these meetings. The theme of this year’s International workshop is: “Integral ecology – overcoming the social and environmental crisis”… Read more »