An Economy for the Common Good

Putting our economy at the service of people and the planet

Over-reliance on particular segments of the economy such as construction, which has caused growing harm to our communities and wellbeing over time, is increasingly being recognised as problematic even by top politicians. Minister of Finance and Employment Clyde Caruana recently pointed out that we urgently need to rethink and recalibrate Malta’s economic model, which has favoured rapid GDP growth at the expense of workers’ rights, people’s quality of life and our natural environment… Read more »

Public Consultation on proposed regulations on the Contractor’s Licence

The Justice and Peace Commission welcomes this public consultation and believes that if it is robust enough and its implementation properly enforced, the proposed regulations on the Contractor’s licence can be a step in the right direction. Also, we are aware that measures concerning who can enter the construction market as a contractor on their own, while important, cannot provide a comprehensive solution to all the well-known problems affecting this industry… Read more »

Numbers and the resistance to change

“Humanity is called to recognize the need for changes of lifestyle, production and consumption, in order to combat this warming or at least the human causes which produce or aggravate it. Obsession with a consumerist lifestyle, above all when few people are capable of maintaining it, can only lead to violence and mutual destruction.”

(Pope Francis, LS. 23. 204)

Numbers are not everything… Read more »

Pope Benedict’s contribution to the Social Doctrine of the Church

A lot is being written these days about the figure of Benedict XVI, a pope of great intelligence, formation and humility, who will certainly go down in history books as a great theologian. In this brief article, I wish to summarize, what, in my opinion, were Benedict’s greatest contributions to the Social Doctrine of the Church.

When going through the writings of the different Popes, we will often notice quotes from their predecessors and or even from their previous writings… Read more »

aħseb u ara: Discussion guide

Il-Malta Catholic Youth Network u l-Kummissjoni Ġustizzja u Paċi ħejjew riżorsa ġdida biex takkumpanja is-serje ta’ podcasts aħseb u ara.

Din ir-riżorsa toffri gwida għal diskussjoni dwar it-temi mit-Tagħlim Soċjali tal-Knisja msemmija fil-podcast.

  1. Il-Polarizzazzjoni tad-Diskors
  2. Il-Prinċipji tat-Tagħlim Soċjali tal-Knisja
  3. L-Ambjent
  4. Il-Missjoni tal-Knisja
  5. Il-Familja
  6. L-Ekonomija
  7. Ix-Xogħol
  8. Il-Paċi

Ma’ kull tema ġew abbinati tliet jew erba’ filmati qosra, fejn ma’ kull filmat għandkom issibu:
• Kwotazzjoni mit-Tagħlim tal-Knisja jew diskorsi relevanti… Read more »

2022 Annual Report

In a year which was sadly marked by the return of war on European soil and daily reports of deadly injustices and senseless violence, the need to denounce situations of violent injustice, whilst proposing creative pathways which lead to more just and reconciled communities, has never been so urgently felt.

In this context, as a Commission, we make ours the words of the Holy Father who, whilst in Malta, highlighted the need to shore up the foundations of life in society, namely honesty, justice, a sense of duty and transparency… Read more »

Sustainable development

Notwithstanding an increased awareness about the unsustainability of our current economic model, radical change in the way we move, consume and build does not seem to be any nearer. The option of gently nudging people towards adopting more virtuous and sustainable lifestyles does not seem to be good enough. Might it be time to introduce economic “sticks” in the form for example of environmental taxes, which reflect the true cost of our self-inflicted environmental damage? … Read more »

The not-so-beautiful game

Ever since FIFA chose Qatar to host the 2022 World Cup, this Gulf Kingdom has been the subject of sustained critical scrutiny. What ought to be a celebration of talent, diversity and healthy competition is instead turning out to be a tournament overshadowed by stories of exploitation, murky transactions, and prejudice. In this case, the exercise in “sportswashing”, whereby corporate sponsors and host-nations seek to improve their reputation by leveraging the powerful emotions evoked by sporting events, does not seem to be going according to plan… Read more »

Eco-spirituality workshop in Taizé

From the 10th to the 13th of November European Laudato Si Alliance (ELSiA) members gathered in Taizé for the second eco-spirituality workshop, hosted by the Taizé Community in France.

ELSiA, composed of Caritas Europa, CIDSE, COMECE, JESC, Justice and Peace Europe and the Laudato Si’ Movement, is committed to promoting ecological justice and awareness at national and EU policy level. Daniel Darmanin, from the Justice & Peace Commission in Malta, joined around 30 around participants from all over Europe in the workshop in Taizé which offered an opportunity for the ELSiA organisations to reflect on and discuss the topic of ecological conversion… Read more »