An Economy for the Common Good

AI dominance: A blessing or a curse?

The Malta group of Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice foundation is pleased to announce an upcoming seminar “AI: A Blessing or a Curse?”, which will be held on the 9th of May 2024 at 6:30 pm at Dar il-Ħanin Samaritan in Santa Venera. This thought-provoking event will bring together leading scholars and practitioners in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to discuss the profound impact of AI on society… Read more »

How fossils fuel war?

The Laudato Si Movement, in partnership with Justice and Peace Europe and Pax Christi International invite you to the European webinar “How fossils fuel war? How to build peace, from Robert Schuman’s Coal and Steel community to a transition towards renewable energies in the European Union” on April 23 from 7:30 to 9pm CET.


  • Prof. Zbigniew Krysiak, head of the Institute of Schuman Thought
  • Svitlana Romanko, founder and director of the Ukrainian organization Razom We Stand
  • Luca Jahier, former president of the European Economic and Social Committee

As the European Elections are approaching (6-9 June), this webinar will enable Europeans to reflect on their role as Christians in participating in civic and political life, through the figure of Robert Schuman, the Christian founding father of Europe, who committed himself to peace after the Second World War by creating the European Coal and Steel Community (the speaker for this part will be  Prof… Read more »

Stations of the cross

In preparation for the 2025 Jubilee Year ‘Pilgrims of Hope’, 2024 has been designated a Year of Prayer by Pope Francis. This Lent, we walk alongside Christ on the journey of his passion and remember our brothers and sisters both around the world and in our own country who experience suffering, poverty and injustice on a daily basis.

Download resource by clicking here (ENG) or here (MLT)… Read more »

The ‘Ejja Ejja’ Culture

The Justice and Peace Commission is proposing eight recommendations to authorities and stakeholders in Malta’s construction industry, aiming to enhance safety and fairness for all workers. The Commission urges prompt action to be taken on these recommendations for the well-being of both the workers and society. These recommendations are a result of scientific research conducted by the Commission on health and safety in the Maltese construction sector… Read more »

2023 Annual Report

The mission of Justice and Peace is that of “keeping the eyes of the Church open, its heart sensitive and its hand prepared for the work of charity which it is called upon to realize in the world.” (Paul VI, Address to the Pontifical Commission for Justice and Peace, 1967).

The Justice and Peace Commission in Malta fulfils this Mission by promoting the integral development of the person in the light of the Gospel and in line with the Social Doctrine of the Church… Read more »

Justice and Peace Europe has a new co-presidency

The General Assembly of Justice and Peace Europe elected for the first time in its history a co- presidency on Monday, 13 November in Malta. Archbishop Antoine Hérouard of Dijon and Maria Hammershoy from Copenhagen were elected for a period of three years by the approximately 50 delegates representing 20 European Justice and Peace commissions. On 10 November Sr. Alessandra Smerilli, secretary of the Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development was the key-note speaker in the opening ceremony of an International Workshop on “the changing world of work” which preceded the General Assembly… Read more »

Restart by focusing on the ‘discarded workers’ – Sr Alessandra Smerilli

Keynote speech by Dr Alessandra Smerilli during the opening night of the conference “The changing world of work – a transversal justice issue”

Work is such an important dimension of being human that not being able to express ourselves through the work of our hands makes us feel that we do not belong in the society in which we live. Work is indeed a means to acquire the necessities of life, but it is at the same time so much more… Read more »

The changing world of work – a transversal justice issue

On the 10th and 11th of November, the Justice and Peace Commission is organising an international workshop on the theme of The changing world of work – a transversal justice issue. This workshop will seek to analyse the different ways in which the world of work is changing in Europe and explore the social and economic consequences of these rapid changes. The plenary meetings and small group workshops planned over these two days will help shed light on the risk to workers’ rights which are being magnified by the evolving nature of work, whilst also giving space to examples of work practices which are respectful of the dignity and rights of workers… Read more »

Celebrating the season of creation

Nhar il-Ġimgħa 29 ta’ Settembru, il-Kummissjoni Interdjoċesana Ambjent u l-Kummissjoni Ġustizzja u Paċi, f’kollaborazzjoni mal-Patrijiet Franġiskani, organizzaw attività biex ifakkru l-Istaġun tal-Ħolqien 2023.

Madwar ħamsa u sebgħhin persuna kienu preżenti għal din l-attività. Fosthom kien hemm is-sindku tan-Naxxar Anne Marie Muscat Fenech Adami u l-Ministru Provinċjal tal-Franġiskani Fr Anthony Chircop OFM.

L- attività bdiet b’mument ta’ talb imħejji minn Mark Cachia mill-Kummissjoni Ġustizzja u Paċi fil-Knisja ta’ Santa Marija ta’ l-Anġli, Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq… Read more »

Restoring relationships

“But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!” (Amos 5: 24)

Each year from September 1 to October 4, the Christian family unites for the Season of Creation, a worldwide celebration of prayer and action to protect our common home. As followers of Christ, we share a common call to care for creation. We are co-creatures and part of all that God has made… Read more »