
Round table discussion on the environment and development

Nhar il-ġimgħa 19 ta’ Mejju, Il-Kap tal-PN Bernard Grech flimkien mad-Deputati Nazzjonalisti Stanley Zammit, Julie Zahra u Janice Chetcuti, iltaqgħu ma’ diversi għaqdiet non-governattivi, fil-Parlament ta’ Malta.

L-għaqdiet non-governattivi preżenti kienu Rota, Flimkien għall-Ambjent Aħjar, The Ramblers’ Association, Din l-Art Ħelwa, Nature Trust Malta, Kummissjoni Ġustizzja u Paċi, Birdlife Malta u Friends of the Earth.

Fost l-oħrajn, l-għaqdiet preżenti sostnew il-bżonn ta’ infurzar ikbar u bidla fir-relazzjoni bejn il-partiti politiċi u n-negozju li spiss iwassal għall-regoli u liġijiet li minnhom igawdu l-ftit u mhux il-komunitajiet tagħna… Read more »

Rethink Culture’s Conversations

Rethink Culture’s Conversations is a space for respectful dialogue on complex issues shaping Maltese culture.

Based on Pope Francis’ visit to Malta in 2022 and supported by the Vicariate for Evangelisation and Justice & Peace – Malta, began as a podcast with various people active in Maltese society, to discuss the kind of society we are hoping to build together.

We are now inviting the public to join in the conversations and discuss topics including migration, sustainable development, cultural heritage, governance, economic systems, and the church in Malta… Read more »

How does Malta’s neutrality serve the cause of peace?

Malta’s Constitution defines Malta as a “neutral state actively pursuing peace, security and social progress among all nations by adhering to a policy of non-alignment and refusing to participate in any military alliance.” This neutrality clause was introduced in 1987. Since then, the geopolitical landscape has shifted dramatically with the war in Ukraine being just the latest in a series of violent shocks and conflicts which, according to Pope Francis, are part of what he calls a third world war “fought in piecemeal fashion”… Read more »

Facing our fears and re-connecting the world

The two-year long Concerted Action of Justice and Peace Europe is inspired by the remarkable foresight of Pope Francis’ encyclical letter Fratelli Tutti. In the next two years the thirty member commissions of Justice and Peace Europe will continue their long-term work on social justice, drawing particular attention to social fears that are ignored, but also contribute to deconstruct fear and anxiety which threaten to manipulate European citizens… Read more »

Choosing the synodal path for the Church in Europe

Between the 5th and 12th February 2023 the European continental meeting will be held as part of the process of the Synod on Synodality to discuss the document entitled ‘Enlarge the space of your tent’. This document gathers the fruit of the discernment on the syntheses prepared by various Episcopal Conferences around the world.

Mr Stefan Lunte, Secretary General of Justice and Peace Europe (JP Europe) and Mr Daniel Darmanin, President of Justice and Peace Malta and member of the JP Europe Executive Committee will be attending this meeting on behalf of the European network of about thirty national Justice and Peace Commissions which together make up JP Europe… Read more »

Pope Benedict’s contribution to the Social Doctrine of the Church

A lot is being written these days about the figure of Benedict XVI, a pope of great intelligence, formation and humility, who will certainly go down in history books as a great theologian. In this brief article, I wish to summarize, what, in my opinion, were Benedict’s greatest contributions to the Social Doctrine of the Church.

When going through the writings of the different Popes, we will often notice quotes from their predecessors and or even from their previous writings… Read more »

2022 Annual Report

In a year which was sadly marked by the return of war on European soil and daily reports of deadly injustices and senseless violence, the need to denounce situations of violent injustice, whilst proposing creative pathways which lead to more just and reconciled communities, has never been so urgently felt.

In this context, as a Commission, we make ours the words of the Holy Father who, whilst in Malta, highlighted the need to shore up the foundations of life in society, namely honesty, justice, a sense of duty and transparency… Read more »

No one can be saved alone

In his message for the 56th World Day of Peace, which will be celebrated on the 1st of January 2023, Pope Francis reminds that there is light even in the darkest hour. Using the Covid-19 pandemic as an example, the Pope says that the pandemic made us all aware of the need for everyone, including peoples and nations, to restore the word “together” to a central place in our lexicon.  Only the peace that comes from a fraternal and disinterested love can help us overcome personal, societal and global crises… Read more »

Sejjaħli b’Ismi

After months of hard work during which a series of dialogue sessions were held between migrants and the host community, the exhibition Sejjaħli b’Ismi was launched on Sunday 11th December. This intercultural project is the result of a collaboration between the Sejjaħli b’Ismi team, the Justice and Peace Commission and JRS (Malta) and commemorates the 20th anniversary since the first major disembarkation of asylum seekers on our shores… Read more »

Eco-spirituality workshop in Taizé

From the 10th to the 13th of November European Laudato Si Alliance (ELSiA) members gathered in Taizé for the second eco-spirituality workshop, hosted by the Taizé Community in France.

ELSiA, composed of Caritas Europa, CIDSE, COMECE, JESC, Justice and Peace Europe and the Laudato Si’ Movement, is committed to promoting ecological justice and awareness at national and EU policy level. Daniel Darmanin, from the Justice & Peace Commission in Malta, joined around 30 around participants from all over Europe in the workshop in Taizé which offered an opportunity for the ELSiA organisations to reflect on and discuss the topic of ecological conversion… Read more »