Local News

Authorities asked to drop terrorism charges against the El Hiblu teenagers

The Migrants Commission, JRS Malta and the Justice and Peace Commission urge the authorities to drop the charges brought against three youths who are being prosecuted for terrorism.

Then aged 15, 16, and 19, the three youths were part of a group of over 100 men, women and children who were rescued by cargo ship El Hiblu 1 on 26 March 2019. The rescue was coordinated by an EU naval operation that ordered the ship to take the rescued persons back to Libya… Read more »

The Church launches “Beyond GDP” together with EY, Seed Consultancy and APS Bank

The Justice and Peace Commission has repeatedly promoted the need for our country to reassess its economic model towards a more holistic measurement of economic growth that does not depend solely on Gross Domestic Product. This will in turn guarantee the adequate consideration and full respect towards the environment and quality of life of all citizens.

Inspired by the international event “The Economy of Francesco” which is currently being held in Assisi, the Justice and Peace Commission has launched the initiative, Beyond GDP, in collaboration with the local branches of the Focolare Movement and the Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Foundation, together with EY and Seed Consultancy, and the support of APS Bank… Read more »

Renewal of the Commission

A few days ago, Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna issued a decree to renew the Justice & Peace Commission. Architect Daniel Darmanin has been renominated as president of the Commission, a role which he has served for the past three years. Walance Buttigieg Scicluna, Katrine Camilleri, and John Paul Cauchi have been renewed as members of the commission. Fr. Carlo Calleja, Maria Cardona and Daniela Debono have been appointed as new members… Read more »



Inthis time of crisis, described by many as a war footing of historical significance, when the country is shutting down and preparing for the days ahead, we urge the authorities to take further concrete measures to ensure that people living in poverty are not left without the basic necessities for a dignified life.

We are extremely concerned about the impact that the coronavirus outbreak will have on the most vulnerable members of our society… Read more »

The Reform on Human Trafficking and Prostitution

The Archdiocese of Malta, through the Justice & Peace Commission of and Caritas Malta, have participated in the presentation of a joint submission to the Maltese Government, on the proposed reform for the legalisation of prostitution and human trafficking.

The joint submission, endorsed by several organisations, speaks of three main goals that are complementary and cannot be enacted separately, essential for the human dignity of the victims to be safeguarded. 

  • To decriminalise those who are prostituted ‑ Conscious of the fact that most sex workers are caught up in prostitution against their will and are the main victims of a broken system which enslaves them.  They should not be criminalised or victimised further for the abuse they endure…
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Daniel Darmanin elected in the executive committee of Justice and Peace Europe

The European Conference of Justice and Peace Commissions (Justice and Peace Europe) held its 2019 International Workshop and General Assembly from 11 – 14 October in Bratislava. Delegates from 21 Justice and Peace Commissions were present in the capital of Bratislava. Very well prepared by the Slovak Justice and Peace Commission, the International Workshop dealt with Challenges for Solidarity – Living together in Europe thirty years after the fall of the Iron CurtainRead more »

Justice & Peace Commission: A United Europe for the Common Good

Fid‑dawl tal‑elezzjonijiet tal‑Parlament Ewropew u tal‑Kunsilli Lokali f’Mejju li ġej, il‑Kummissjoni Ġustizzja u Paċi ħejjiet dokument ta’ riflessjoni bbażat fuq it‑tagħlim soċjali tal‑Knisja. Dan għandu jservi ta’ għodda sabiex l‑Insara jkomplu jaqdu d‑dmirijiet u r‑responsabbiltajiet tagħhom fis‑soċjetà, li ma jibdewx u jispiċċaw fil‑mument tal‑votazzjoni imma jkomplu fil‑ħajja ta’ kuljum. Id‑dokument jinsab fuq il‑websajt tal‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta www.knisja.mt.

Id‑dokument, li jittratta fost l‑oħrajn temi soċjali u ambjentali li jolqtu s‑soċjetà Maltija u dik Ewropea, hu mmirat sabiex jintuża mis‑saċerdoti fil‑preparazzjoni għall‑omeliji tal‑Ħdud matul ir‑Randan, kif ukoll minn dawk li f’dan iż‑żmien jixtiequ jagħrblu l‑kuxjenza tagħhom u jirriflettu fuq l‑irwol tagħhom bħala Nsara fis‑soċjetà… Read more »

Called to work for Justice and Peace

In a document published one month from the day that journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia was assassinated in a premeditated attack on our society, the Church Commission for Justice and Peace urged all citizens to reflect on the current state of our society, to take concrete action to work for the common good and to promote peace.

The Commission said it is no doubt necessary to pray and ask God for the gift of his peace… Read more »