Monthly Archives: May 2023

Planning reform and a new economic model: Where do we stand?

On Saturday 27th May, environmental organisations are calling on the public to participate in a national protest. The demands of the protest include a change in planning policies, a radical reform of all institutions responsible for the environment, planning and lands, as well as a new economic model that seeks a better quality of life for everyone instead of endless economic growth based on the profits of the few… Read more »

Round table discussion on the environment and development

Nhar il-ġimgħa 19 ta’ Mejju, Il-Kap tal-PN Bernard Grech flimkien mad-Deputati Nazzjonalisti Stanley Zammit, Julie Zahra u Janice Chetcuti, iltaqgħu ma’ diversi għaqdiet non-governattivi, fil-Parlament ta’ Malta.

L-għaqdiet non-governattivi preżenti kienu Rota, Flimkien għall-Ambjent Aħjar, The Ramblers’ Association, Din l-Art Ħelwa, Nature Trust Malta, Kummissjoni Ġustizzja u Paċi, Birdlife Malta u Friends of the Earth.

Fost l-oħrajn, l-għaqdiet preżenti sostnew il-bżonn ta’ infurzar ikbar u bidla fir-relazzjoni bejn il-partiti politiċi u n-negozju li spiss iwassal għall-regoli u liġijiet li minnhom igawdu l-ftit u mhux il-komunitajiet tagħna… Read more »

Rethink Culture’s Conversations

Rethink Culture’s Conversations is a space for respectful dialogue on complex issues shaping Maltese culture.

Based on Pope Francis’ visit to Malta in 2022 and supported by the Vicariate for Evangelisation and Justice & Peace – Malta, began as a podcast with various people active in Maltese society, to discuss the kind of society we are hoping to build together.

We are now inviting the public to join in the conversations and discuss topics including migration, sustainable development, cultural heritage, governance, economic systems, and the church in Malta… Read more »

Putting our economy at the service of people and the planet

Over-reliance on particular segments of the economy such as construction, which has caused growing harm to our communities and wellbeing over time, is increasingly being recognised as problematic even by top politicians. Minister of Finance and Employment Clyde Caruana recently pointed out that we urgently need to rethink and recalibrate Malta’s economic model, which has favoured rapid GDP growth at the expense of workers’ rights, people’s quality of life and our natural environment… Read more »