Peace & Solidarity

The people of God gather in prayer before Synod

On Saturday, 30th of September, the “Gathering of the People of God” took place. At the invitation of Pope Francis, in the presence of around forty church leaders from various denominations, this vigil entrusted to the Holy Spirit the work of the synodal assembly of the Catholic Church which will begin on Wednesday 4th of October.

During the ecumenical prayer vigil which was organised by the Taizé Community, Pope Francis emphasised the importance of silence in our spiritual life… Read more »

Restoring relationships

“But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!” (Amos 5: 24)

Each year from September 1 to October 4, the Christian family unites for the Season of Creation, a worldwide celebration of prayer and action to protect our common home. As followers of Christ, we share a common call to care for creation. We are co-creatures and part of all that God has made… Read more »

The letter: A message for our earth

Il-Kummissjonijiet Interdjoċesana Ambjent u Ġustizzja u Paċi, f’kollaborazzjoni mal-Patrijiet Franġiskani, qed jorganizzaw attività biex ifakkru l-Istaġun tal-Ħolqien 2023. Biha huma ser ikunu qed jingħaqdu ma’ numru ta’ knejjes insara fid-dinja kollha li bejn l-1 ta’ Settembru u l-4 t’Ottubru ta’ kull sena jfittxu li jqajjmu kuxjenza favur l-għożża tal-Ħolqien.

F’Malta, din is-sena l-attività ser tkun iffukata fuq id-dokumentarju “The Letter: A Message for our Earth”… Read more »

Together – Gathering of the People of God

On September 30, 2023, on the eve of the opening of the Synodal Assembly of the Catholic Church, an ecumenical prayer vigil will take place in Rome in the presence of Pope Francis and representatives of various Churches, to unite us in praise and silence, in listening to the Word. Young people aged 18 to 35 from different European countries, of all ecclesial origins are invited for the whole weekend from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon, and will be welcomed for a weekend of sharing, to walk together as people of God… Read more »

We cannot give up

Fid-dawl tal-vot li ttieħed il-bieraħ fil-parlament dwar il-bżonn ta’ inkjesta pubblika li titfa’ dawl fuq il-mewta traġika ta’ Jean Paul Sofia, il-Kummissjoni Ġustizzja u Paċi tappella lill-awtoritajiet biex jisimgħu il-karba ta’ omm u tal-poplu għall-ġustizzja. Huwa ta’ diżappunt kbir li kwistjoni daqshekk sensittiva, għal darb’oħra, qed tispiċċa ballun politiku.

Quddiem din ir-reżistenza għall-inkjesta pubblika li diffiċli tifhimha, tispjegaha u tiġġustifikaha, niftakru f’dawk l-għexieren ta’ ħaddiema li fl-aħħar snin tilfu ħajjithom fuq is-siti ta’ kostruzzjoni… Read more »

A space of dialogue

Based on Pope Francis’ visit to Malta in 2022 and supported by the Vicariate for Evangelisation and Justice & Peace – Malta, began as a podcast with various people active in Maltese society, to discuss the kind of society we are hoping to build together.

To wrap up the first season of the project, a public dialogue was held on the 1st of June at Suq tal-Belt… Read more »

Rethink Culture’s Conversations

Rethink Culture’s Conversations is a space for respectful dialogue on complex issues shaping Maltese culture.

Based on Pope Francis’ visit to Malta in 2022 and supported by the Vicariate for Evangelisation and Justice & Peace – Malta, began as a podcast with various people active in Maltese society, to discuss the kind of society we are hoping to build together.

We are now inviting the public to join in the conversations and discuss topics including migration, sustainable development, cultural heritage, governance, economic systems, and the church in Malta… Read more »

How does Malta’s neutrality serve the cause of peace?

Malta’s Constitution defines Malta as a “neutral state actively pursuing peace, security and social progress among all nations by adhering to a policy of non-alignment and refusing to participate in any military alliance.” This neutrality clause was introduced in 1987. Since then, the geopolitical landscape has shifted dramatically with the war in Ukraine being just the latest in a series of violent shocks and conflicts which, according to Pope Francis, are part of what he calls a third world war “fought in piecemeal fashion”… Read more »


About 60 delegates from various church backgrounds met in Rome from 12 to 15 March to prepare the event “TOGETHER | Gathering of the People of God”. This ecumenical gathering will take place on the weekend of 30 September in Rome, in advance of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, which will discuss the theme of Synodality.

Daniel Darmanin, President of the local Justice & Peace Commission and member of the Executive Committee of Justice & Peace Europe took part in this preparatory meeting which ended with a private audience with Pope Francis… Read more »