Author: admin

Faith and Politics – Reflections on a week in Venice

Xandru Cassar – President, Żgħażagħ Ħaddiema Nsara

Life often feels like a mad rush. We do things without stopping to ask why, launching ourselves headlong into the tasks at hand, so easily losing sight of what really matters. As my time as a student draws to a close, I felt the need to step back from this frenzy, to take a moment to reflect on what I wanted to do next… Read more »

Church entities demand immediate release of detained Ethiopian nationals

Fr Anton D’Amato, Director Migrants Commission

The Ethiopian nationals who are being detained and facing deportation after having lived and worked legally in Malta for years should be released immediately, the Migrants Commission, the Justice and Peace Commission and JRS Malta urged the authorities.

The two commissions, which form part of the Archdiocese of Malta, and JRS Malta are wholeheartedly condemning the recent arrest of several Ethiopian nationals, who were rounded up, detained and told they will be sent back to Ethiopia… Read more »

Restart by focusing on the ‘discarded workers’ – Sr Alessandra Smerilli

Keynote speech by Dr Alessandra Smerilli during the opening night of the conference “The changing world of work – a transversal justice issue”

Work is such an important dimension of being human that not being able to express ourselves through the work of our hands makes us feel that we do not belong in the society in which we live. Work is indeed a means to acquire the necessities of life, but it is at the same time so much more… Read more »

Daniel Darmanin elected in the executive committee of Justice and Peace Europe

The European Conference of Justice and Peace Commissions (Justice and Peace Europe) held its 2019 International Workshop and General Assembly from 11 – 14 October in Bratislava. Delegates from 21 Justice and Peace Commissions were present in the capital of Bratislava. Very well prepared by the Slovak Justice and Peace Commission, the International Workshop dealt with Challenges for Solidarity – Living together in Europe thirty years after the fall of the Iron CurtainRead more »

Justice & Peace Commission: A United Europe for the Common Good

Fid‑dawl tal‑elezzjonijiet tal‑Parlament Ewropew u tal‑Kunsilli Lokali f’Mejju li ġej, il‑Kummissjoni Ġustizzja u Paċi ħejjiet dokument ta’ riflessjoni bbażat fuq it‑tagħlim soċjali tal‑Knisja. Dan għandu jservi ta’ għodda sabiex l‑Insara jkomplu jaqdu d‑dmirijiet u r‑responsabbiltajiet tagħhom fis‑soċjetà, li ma jibdewx u jispiċċaw fil‑mument tal‑votazzjoni imma jkomplu fil‑ħajja ta’ kuljum. Id‑dokument jinsab fuq il‑websajt tal‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta

Id‑dokument, li jittratta fost l‑oħrajn temi soċjali u ambjentali li jolqtu s‑soċjetà Maltija u dik Ewropea, hu mmirat sabiex jintuża mis‑saċerdoti fil‑preparazzjoni għall‑omeliji tal‑Ħdud matul ir‑Randan, kif ukoll minn dawk li f’dan iż‑żmien jixtiequ jagħrblu l‑kuxjenza tagħhom u jirriflettu fuq l‑irwol tagħhom bħala Nsara fis‑soċjetà… Read more »

Renewing the way we look at progress

The Justice and Peace Commission believes that the financial prosperity currently experienced should translate into a better quality of life for all. In its document with proposals prior to the upcoming 2019 Budget, the Commission presented recommendations in relation to five major focus areas: transport, environment, health, affordable housing and migration.

Transport:More long-term solutions rather than quick fixes are needed. These could include improvement of our infrastructure to allow public transport, carpooling, walking and cycling, to truly become valid alternatives to private vehicles… Read more »

European Justice and Peace Commissions unite in call to protect water

The Conference of European Justice and Peace Commissions is promoting care for creation as part of its international workshop and general assembly meeting. The topic of the meeting is “Water: Source of Life Human right and Responsibility for Europe.” This marks the first time that European Justice and Peace leadership has dedicated its meeting to the topic of water.

Top Catholic leaders from around the continent were present together with public authorities and experts… Read more »