The Way Forward The scope of this questionnaire is to collect information from all commissions forming part of JP Europe, to map out what makes up JP Europe, the commonalities and divergences between each member commission, and their vision of JP Europe. Name of Commission* Email* Part I: Where are we1) Describe up to 4 main areas of interest/major themes you are currently focussing on(ex. Overseas development, good governance, democracy, human rights etc)2) How would you best describe the main aim/s of the activities you organized in the last couple of years? (More than one can be chosen). For each choice, give examples of activities which have been carried out recently.Advocacy Advocacy (ex. Policy papers, stakeholder meetings etc.) Advocacy examplesAwareness raising Awareness raising (ex. Activities in schools, podcasts, articles in newspapers/magazines etc.) Awareness raising examplesFormation Formation (ex. Public lectures, courses in parishes. teacher formation etc)Formation examplesOther Other (please specify)Formation examples3) What are your sources of funding?(ex: Bishops, national/regional development funds, EU funds etc.)4) When it comes to resources, please indicate:- Your budget for 2022- Your budget for 2022 - The number of equivalent full-time employees- The number of equivalent full-time employees - Number of volunteers (available for at least 20 hrs/month)- Number of volunteers 5) The task of Justice & Peace can be described as that of “promoting the human person and the God-given dignity of all, together with human rights, health, justice and peace. It is principally concerned with matters relating to the economy and work, the care of creation and the earth as our “common home”, migration and humanitarian emergencies.” (Predicate Evangelium 163, 1). In your national context, where there are probably many other Church organizations which largely share this same mission, what in your opinion is the added value of the JP Commission?6) At present, Justice & Peace Europe (JP Europe) is configured as a network of national Justice & Peace Commissions. Each year, apart from coordinating meetings, a number of activities are organized by J&P Europe: - Prayer Breakfast in Brussels around the World Day of Peace message - Concerted Action launched on Ash Wednesday - Declaration linked to Human Rights Day The network members also come together for a yearly workshop which precedes the Annual General Meeting and for one-off online meetings on particular topics linked to the life and mission of Justice & Peace. JP Europe is also a member of ELSi’A – the European Laudato Si’ Alliance. Of the activities listed below, which one/s do you find most relevant/important/enriching/impactful for the mission of Justice & Peace in today’s Europe and/or to your national Commission? Prayer Breakfast in Brussels around the World Day of Peace message Prayer Breakfast in Brussels around the World Day of Peace message Reason: Prayer Breakfast in Brussels Concerted Action launched on Ash Wednesday Concerted Action launched on Ash Wednesday Reason: Concerted Action launched on Ash Wednesday Declaration linked to Human Rights Day Declaration linked to Human Rights Day Reason: Declaration linked to Human Rights Day Workshop Workshop Reason: Workshop One-off online meetings One-off online meetings Reason: One-off online meetings ELSi’A activities (Laudao Si Reflection Day, Eco-Spirituality workshops etc) ELSi’A activities (Laudao Si Reflection Day, Eco-Spirituality workshops etc) Reason: ELSi’A activities 7) From the activities listed below, is there any activity which should be discontinued or radically overhauled? Overhaul Prayer Breakfast in Brussels around the World Day of Peace message Overhaul Prayer Breakfast in Brussels around the World Day of Peace message Overhaul Reason: Prayer Breakfast in Brussels Overhaul Concerted Action launched on Ash Wednesday Concerted Action launched on Ash Wednesday Overhaul Reason: Concerted Action launched on Ash Wednesday Overhaul Declaration linked to Human Rights Day Declaration linked to Human Rights Day Overhaul Reason: Declaration linked to Human Rights Day Overhaul One-off online meetings One-off online meetings Overhaul Reason: One-off online meetings Overhaul ELSi’A activities (Laudao Si Reflection Day, Eco-Spirituality workshops etc) ELSi’A activities (Laudao Si Reflection Day, Eco-Spirituality workshops etc) Overhaul Reason: ELSi’A activities Part 2: Where do we want to be8) Indicate one strong point and one weak point of the current J&P Europe set-up in terms of role and/or activities.Strong point:Weak point:9) The following elements are, to different degrees, already present in the current role/mission/activities of JP Europe. Rank them in order of priority:Drag the items from icon on the leftNetworking opportunity for the different national Commissions, including sharing of information and best practicesFormation opportunitiesRole of representation/advocacy at European level (including membership of European platforms) in both ecclesial and political circlesPossibility of speaking with one voice on issues which are inherently transnationalOther, please specify belowOther reason Give reasons for your choicePart 3: How do we get there10) Depending on resources, in years to come, we might consider expanding or re-defining the role of JP Europe. The options under consideration include the following. For each option, state whether you agree with the proposal or not, whilst giving a reason for your answer:a) JP Europe would become a platform which, apart from the different national commissions, welcomes other Catholic organisations at the European level: Agree Disagree Reasonb) New European commissions composed of Catholics/Christians associated with or working in political European organisations:(Ex. JP EU Commission, JP Council of Europe Commission, JP OSCE Commission) Agree Disagree Reasonc) The role of JP Europe as an instrument of dialogue and collaboration with JP Commissions in other regions of the world would be strengthened: Agree Disagree Reasond) On the model of ELSi’A, JP Europe would seek to broaden its participation in European platforms in order to strengthen its advocacy work and role of representation vis-à-vis European and International bodies: Agree Disagree Reasone) By strengthening its set-up, JP Europe would be able to apply for European funds and be the lead partner in projects bringing together other JP Commissions and partner organizations: Agree Disagree ReasonAny other comments Δ